Integrated management (conservation, restoration, protection) of cultural heritage objectives

RO-CHER – Component project 3

50PCCDI/2018 – PC3

Project goal

The project aims to meet conservators / restorers as an aid measure, both by proposing useful measures / strategies in this field, and by the integrated use of techniques developed on the basis of exact sciences.

Thus, this project proposal aims to:

a) inventory of movable and immovable patrimony objects, in a state of deterioration in the area of ​​interest of the partners;

b) quantification of the possibilities of developing methods and technologies to help in conservation / restoration / protection;

c) demonstrating the benefits of integrated research on movable and immovable cultural heritage;

d) promoting the results obtained through workshops, scientific papers, guides to good practice, catalogs, etc .;

e) Knowledge transfer to stakeholders, monitoring progress, evaluating the success of the implementation of the proposed methods and (possibly) reviewing the implementation steps based on the feedback received.

Contracting authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)

Implementation period: 01/03/2018-30/06/2021

Total budget: 1.001.498 lei

Budget for the partner ICECHIM: 245.000 lei

Component project responsible: Dr. Chem. Radu Claudiu Fierăscu

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  • Partners
  • General objective
  • Specific objectives
  • Phase I
  • Phase II
  • Phase III
  • Phase IV
  • Patents

National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM

General objective

The main objective of the project is to substantiate the strategy for the integrated conservation of movable and immovable cultural heritage, using research opportunities, combining advanced scientific research infrastructures of partners and high level knowledge in inter- and trans-disciplinary fields: materials science, chemistry, biochemistry , archaeometry, satellite technologies, conservation / restoration of cultural heritage.

Specific objectives

  • Achieving a pole of cultural and scientific capitalization for a trans-disciplinary approach, for the exploration and promotion of case studies, with the possibility of conservation and intelligent protection of cultural resources;
  • Generating numerous scientific contributions;
  • Demonstrating the benefits of integrated research on cultural heritage.
Phase I

Assess opportunities for improving the current status quo, combining advanced scientific research infrastructures and high-level knowledge in the field of cultural heritage conservation.

ICECHIM activities:

  • Complex research of current methods and new developments in the field of conservation of mobile cultural heritage for artifacts with different support materials;
  • Identification of hazardous factors or threats to the objects under study (risk factors acting independently or in conjunction);
Phase II

Strategies and management systems for the conservation / restoration of cultural heritage.

ICECHIM activities:

  • Comparison of traditional preservation materials and technologies with modern preservation materials. Proposals of modern materials – experimental tests at laboratory level;
  • Elaboration of standard working procedures for the management of the mobile cultural heritage – Obtaining and characterizing the materials that have proved efficient in the laboratory stage;
  • Proposing conservation / restoration strategies in the management of mobile cultural heritage – possibilities of applied research, in order to implement various conservation and restoration measures;
Phase III

Partial demonstration of the functionality of the proposed strategies – Strengthening the recommendations and strategies adapted to the specific requirements of the objectives in the field of movable and immovable cultural heritage.

ICECHIM activities:

  • Preliminary studies on demonstrating the functionality of the solutions offered – compatibility and sustainability of the proposed protocols for movable heritage objects;
  • Preliminary studies on the development of mobile cultural heritage management strategies based on the results obtained (archaeometry investigations) – practical implementation guide;
  • Preliminary studies on the elaboration of a technical documentation for the obtained products;
Phase IV

Demonstrating the functionality of the proposed strategies – Strengthening the recommendations and strategies adapted to the specific requirements of the objectives in the field of movable and immovable cultural heritage.

ICECHIM activities:

  • Final demonstration of the functionality of the offered solutions – compatibility and sustainability of the proposed protocols for movable heritage objects;
  • Final elaboration of mobile cultural heritage management strategies based on the results obtained (archaeometry investigations) – practical implementation guide;
  • Elaboration of technical documentation for the obtained products.

Radu Claudiu Fierăscu, Irina Fierăscu, Roxana-Ioana Brazdiș, Anda Maria Baroi, Alexandru Știrban, Ariana Codruța Leahu, Alina Orțan, Antimicrobial spray solution for the restoration / preservation of leather supports and the method of obtaining it, Patent application A00074/2020;