3D technologies and experimental solutions

for cultural heritage diagnosis and preservation

  • About
  • Objectives
  • Stages
  • Results
  • Dissemination
  • Contact


Contract no.: 687PED

Acronym: Scan4Art

Domain: 2.1 – Information and communication technologies


The project Scan4Art will offer solutions through a new multiple steps digitization/diagnosis/preservation process for current unsolved specific targets, such as cleaning fragile fortress surfaces, counteracting microbiological attacks, and overcoming shortcomings in the current conservation treatments of artifacts and historical objects, ensuring a proper storage environment for the treated objects/surfaces.

Principal scientific objectives:

(1) Capitalize on archeological sites and historical monuments that have not been systematically explored so far;

(2) Use 3D technologies as the principal non-destructive method in the activity of authentication and conservation;

(3) Confirmation of the innovative synergic method for conservation, applied to historical monuments, starting from the synergistic principle: testing, diagnosis, and treatment with nanomaterials;

(4) Obtain results and apply unique advanced methods in preserving the objectives of revolutionary cultural heritage at the international level, promoting TRL2 to TRL4.

The specific objectives are:

(1) The use of drones in Cultural Heritage. It is directed to researchers and experts working on the design of UAVs production and the use of drones for Cultural Heritage digitization finalizing innovative documentation services that integrate and complete the existing practice;

(2) Selection of some artifacts which will be analyzed for treating in good correlation with environmental impact assessment of the new materials and the process;

(3) The use of digital images to preserve cultural heritage mainly due to the increase in camera resolution on the one hand and the development of

data processing capacity on the other;

(4) Damage detection in cultural heritage by means of drones;

(5) Test treatment, and improvement of mechanical properties, protection against degradation;

(6) Evaluation of removal of degradation products, cleaning the degradation substances;

(7) Validation of treatment/cleaning/consolidation technology;

(8) Support activities participation in scientific meetings, disseminating the research results, publishing at least 2 articles in ISI indexed journals,

achieving and maintaining a project web page, and other common activities for disseminating project results (patent, trademark, conferences).


Stage 1 – 3D technology used to obtain the IT system for monuments of cultural and historical heritage.

Stage 2 – Scientific diagnosis and evaluation of the surface degradation mechanisms of archaeological sites. Study of the effect of nanomaterials on the strengthening and durability of mobile cultural heritage materials.

Stage 3 – Defining, implementing and demonstrating new treatments and procedures.



Study of

the effect of nanomaterials on the strengthening and durability of mobile

cultural heritage materials.


analysis of the aged model samples with the real ones and the application of

the new treatments and application procedures on the surface. Identifying the

best conservation-restoration methodology.


of a protocol for the use of the new conservation-restoration technology on

real samples. Product analysis, economic evaluation, involvement on the



technology to obtain the monument surface treatment product. Development and

parameter verification of the new conservation-restoration technology on real



approach in the conservation of historical monuments with archaeological

materials. In situ application study of new materials, in situ characterization

and environmental impact study and “in situ” monitoring of their

effectiveness. Evaluation of removal of degradation products, cleaning of

degradation substances.


Estimated results

The aim of the project is to bring to attention some interconnected topics on different aspects of exploration, digitization, conservation, and preservation of some archaeological artifacts from the Sacidava fortress, as follows:

• digitized data made by drone scanning (3D scanning and photogrammetry) for mapping the archaeological area site (Sacidava fortress,

never investigated so far) • new diagnostic tools and methods for obtaining physico-chemical and structural information on materials that form the historical and artistic heritage, in order to make an informed decision on the materials to be used in the subsequent phases of conservation/restoration;

• analytical models for laboratory evaluation of structural, compositional, and morphological characteristics for decision making in the field of cultural heritage information: physical-mechanical erosion and abrasion by currents, water circulation; mechanical erosion/damage, biological (fungi and bacteria), chemical (oxidation reactions of organic material and corrosion of metals) and human (treasure hunting, souvenir collection, infrastructure or development works, pollution, ship movements, archeology);

• innovative materials and procedures for conservation and/or restoration interventions on the stone surface of the real monument.

The main theme of this project is the development and consolidation of the use of digital technologies for the protection, conservation, restoration and protection of cultural heritage and the arts in complementarity with other research methods. The results will be materialized by:

  • Realization report of 3D technologies;
  • Identification and micro-sampling of local case studies and diagnostic reports;
  • Report on the identification and micro-sampling of local case studies and the characterization of real evidence and models;
  • Comparison report of old and real model samples obtained with the help of new treatments and application procedures on surface treatment;
  • Product, economic evaluation, involvement on the monument;
  • Report of WP3 activities and results, listing the most promising treatments;
  • Protocol for using the new conservation-restoration methodology;
  • Protocol for using the new conservation-restoration methodology on real samples;
  • Scientific papers and articles, the project website;
  • Patent application filed with OSIM.

Conclusions and perspectives


The analysis of the samples from the Sacidava archaeological site highlighted the existence of several types of surfaces that require attention in further studies and in order to establish conservation/treatment measures. Thus, three distinct types are identified: surfaces with uneven appearance and variable porosity, mortar-type from the construction of walls, pieces with matte surfaces, without porosity, marble-type, pieces with smooth surfaces, medium porosity, ceramic-type.

As a result, the conservation or treatment of the stone surfaces in the area of ​​the Sacidava archaeological site, according to the study, can be done in stages:

identification of the pieces (amalgam/mortar; volcanic tuff, marble);

establishing the characteristics of the substrate (porosity of the surface, exposure to contamination, rate of hydration);

treatment with suspension of CHAp nanoparticles, as presented in the report.

• The microbiological diversity, the contamination rate as well as the specific composition require special attention for the correct application of the conservation intervention protocol. It is known that microorganisms induce successive colonization of surfaces.

• Knowing how the community of microorganisms in contact with surfaces works is an important stage in order to establish a conservation-restoration protocol.

• Aeroflora as well as environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) contribute differently to the transfer of microorganisms and to the increase of the biocontamination rate, as a result, the treatment/conservation measures applied to the archaeological

pieces require the periodic control of the surfaces according to the variations of the environmental factors.

• The calculation models were implemented in software as application programs within the project.

• The 3D estimation method by calculating elevations in the field based on photos taken with a drone was validated on construction elements from the Sacidava site.

• A relatively high variability of the absolute numerical results and a lower variability for the relative values ​​was found, in other words the model reproduces the proportions of the objects more accurately. The accuracy of the absolute results depends on a set of errors.

• The process is affected by disturbances of the atmospheric environment, technical errors and especially human errors. Technical errors can be reduced by the quality of the equipment used: the drone with a high-performance georeferencing system (RTK drone

positioning), equipped with a high-resolution digital camera. A drone intended for mapping applications is required.

• The construction of 3D virtual objects requires a systematic mapping scan of the Sacidava objective, with a suitable drone for this purpose.

• Aerial images of built objects, ruins and scattered building elements on the ground in the Sacidava site are affected by vegetation, which alters the real outline of the objects or even makes them invisible.



ISI Journals

1.     Ion, R.-M.; Pungoi, A.-E.; Iancu, L.; Grigorescu, R. M.; Vasilievici, G.; Gheboianu, A. I.; Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, S.; Alexandrescu, E.

Compositional and Microstructural Investigations of Prehistoric Ceramics from Southern Romania (Middle Neolithic Pottery). Preprints 2024, 2024060343. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202406.0343.v1

2.     Ion, R.-M.; Pungoi, A.-E.; Iancu, L.; Grigorescu, R. M.; Vasilievici, G.; Gheboianu, A. I.; Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, S.; Alexandrescu, E.

compositional and Microstructural Investigations of Prehistoric Ceramics from Southern Romania (Middle Neolithic Pottery). Applied Sciences, 2024, accepted


BDI journals

1.     Ion, Rodica-Mariana, Bakirov, Bulat A., Kichanov, Sergey E., Gheboianu, Anca Irina and Slămnoiu-Teodorescu, Sofia. “3D Reconstruction and Nuclear Analytical Investigations of Tropaeum Traiani Monument, Adamclisi” Scientific Bulletin of Valahia University – Materials and Mechanics, vol.20, no.22, 2024, pp.8-13. https://doi.org/10.2478/bsmm-2024-0002

2.      A Moșiu, A Vanciu-Rău, AI Gheboianu, Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, Principles and technologies of historical structures consolidation, case study of Banloc castle complex, MATEC Web of Conferences 96 (20003), 1-14

3.     Rodica-Mariana Ion, Miron Zapciu, Monica Costei (Marinca), Lorena Iancu, Ramona Marina Grigorescu, Circularity of construction materials in architectural heritage preservation, nnals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Series on Engineering Sciences, Volume 16, Number 1/2024, pp.1-8.


Rodica-Mariana Ion, Sorin Colesniuc, Verginica Schroder, Silviu Ionita, Raluca Andreea Trandafir, Structural / compositional identification of materials from Sacidava fortress, Învăţământ, Cercetare, reaţie, 10 (1), 2024, pp xxx-xxx.


Other journals


1.     SM Colesniuc, Sacidava – cetatea care a beneficiat de un grant al MCID, Dobrogea culturala, XIV, 1(33), 2024, pp.24-26.


National/international conferences


1.    C. E. Rizescu 1, A. I.Gheboianu, R. M. Ion,Application of silver modified ZnAl-LDH’s in conservation of stone masonry, NeXT-Chem, VIth, București –România, 21-22 March 2024.

2.   I. O. Zaulet, C. E.Rizescu, R.-M, Ion, Colorimetric and glossmeter analysis for the characterization of different types of granites, NeXT-Chem, VIth, București –România, 21-22 March 2024.

3. R.M.Ion, M.Zapciu, M.Marinca, L.Iancu, R.Grigorescu, Implications of the circular economy for cultural heritage protection in smart cities, Conferinta Stiintifica Nationala de primavara, Academia Oamanilor de Stiinta, 24-25 mai 2024, Bucuresti

4.  R.M.Ion, Chimia pentru protejarea patrimoniului cultural, Conferinta Stiintifica Nationala de primavara, Academia Oamanilor de Stiinta, 24-25 mai 2024, Bucuresti

5. R.M.Ion, Environmental impact on the building materials of archaeological sites, SICHEM; Bucuresti, 2024

6. ION Rodica-Mariana, COLESNIUC Sorin, SCHRODER Verginica, IONITA Silviu, TRANDAFIR Raluca Andreea, Identificarea structurală/compozițională a materialelor din Cetatea Sacidava, Simpozionul Internațional „Invățământ, Cercetare, Creație”, Constanța, 07 – 08 iunie

7.  RM Ion, Roman architectural heritage: materials and minimal interventions for a sustainable conservation, KrativEU, 17-18 May 2024,Targoviste.

8.  RM Ion, Materials circularity for cultural heritage buildings restoration with reduced environmental impacts, Bramat 2024, Brasov.




Articole ISI

1. Iancu, L.; Grigorescu, R.M.; Ion, R.-M.; David, M.E.; Predoana, L.; Gheboianu, A.I.; Alexandrescu, E. New Triple Metallic Carbonated Hydroxyapatite for Stone Surface Preservation. Coatings 2023, 13, 1469. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings1308146.

2. Ion, R.-M.; Diaconu, V.; Vasilievici, G.; Iancu, L.; Grigorescu, R.M.; Mîrț, L.-A.; Alexandrescu, E.; Gheboianu, A.I.; Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, S. Archaeometric Investigations of the Chalcolithic Pottery from Topolița—Neamț County, Romania. Coatings 202313, 488.


3. Ion, R.-M.; Iancu, L.; Grigorescu, R.M.; Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, S.; Dulama, I.D.; Bucurica, I.A. Degradation Products Assessment of the Wooden Painted Surfaces from a XVIIth Heritage Monastery. Appl. Sci. 202313, 2124. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13042124


Articole non-ISI

1. A. Moşiu, R.-M. Ion, M. Moşoarcă, Multiple study of mortars with the related impact application on old brick surfaces in historical buildings. Case study: Banloc Castle from Romania, Journal of Architecture Urbanism and Heritage, VI (2), 2023, 9-16.

2. G. Patulea Paraschiv, R.M. Ion, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, A.I. Gheboianu, Spectral study of the mural painting degradation in wooden churches, The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, 20, Nr. 10 (year 13) 2023, pp. 25-30.

3. R.M. Ion, R-M. Grigorescu, M.E. David, L. Iancu, Paraloid B72 vs. Paraloid B67 materials for Conservation of wood artifacts, The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University – MATERIALS and MECHANICS, 19, 20, Nr. 11 (year 13) 2023, pp. xxx-xxx.

4.  R.M. Ion, R.M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, L. Iancu, G. Vasilievici, Réutiliser la poudre de déchets de briques de démolition comme spécimens de mortier de maçonnerie, IEEE Express, 2023, in press.

5. R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, S. Colesniuc, V. Schroder, R.A. Trandafir, S. Ionita, A.I. Gheboianu, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, Diagnosis, photogrammetry and conservation treatment with nanomaterials of Sacidava fortress, Chem Proc. 2023, 13(1), 25.


Conferinte internationale

 1.  R.M. Ion, Green nanotechnology for cultural heritage, YOCOCU Green conservation conference, 4-9 may 2023, Timisoara.

2. R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R. M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, I. O. Zăuleț, C. E. Rizescu, Mortar ecologic antimicrobian şi procedeu de realizare al acestuia, CI 442/2023, Salonul Inovării și Cercetării UGAL INVENT, 9-10 Noiembrie 2023, Galați, România.

3.  R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, M. E.David, Hidroxiapatita carbonatata triplu substituita cu magneziu, strontiu si zinc, CI 743/2021, Salonul Inovării și Cercetării UGAL INVENT, 9-10 Noiembrie 2023, Galați, România.

4.  R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.-M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, Tehnologii 3D si soluții experimentale pentru diagnosticarea si conservarea patrimoniului cultural, 687PED/2021, Salonul Inovării și Cercetării UGAL INVENT, 9-10 Noiembrie 2023, Galați, România.

5.    R.M. Ion, The monuments of Dobrudgea: scientific diagnosis and conservation with nanomaterials, ROMPHYSCHEM 2023, Bucuresti, Romania.

6.    R.M. Ion, Advanced diagnostic techniques for the identification of the degraded surfaces from architectural monuments, ETICCH Sibiu, 2023

7.  A. Mosiu, R.M. Ion, M. Mosoarca, Multiple study of mortars with the related impact application on old brick surfaces in historical buildings. Case study: Banloc Castle from Romania COHESION 2023, Timisoara, Romania.

8.    R.M. Ion, Cultural Heritage at University Valahia from Targoviste, Kreative EU, Targoviste, Romania.

9.  R.M. Ion, Nanomaterials in Architecture Monuments Conservation, Revisiting cultural heritage, Novel Approaches, Innovative Methods, and Transnational Connections, International Conference, Sibiu, Romania, 26–27 October 2023.

10. R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, S. Colesniuc, V.Schroder, R.A. Trandafir, S. Ionita, A.I. Gheboianu, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, Diagnosis, photogrammetry and conservation treatment with nanomaterials of Sacidava fortress, PRIOCHEM, Bucuresti 11-13 octombrie 2023.

11. R.M. Grigorescu, L. Iancu, R.M. Ion, M.E. David, L. Predoana, A.I. Gheboianu, E. Alexandrescu, New apatite-based consolidant for stone preservation, PRIOCHEM, Bucuresti 11-13 octombrie 2023.

12.  I.O. Zaulet, C.E. Rizescu, R.M. Ion, Comparative assessment of marble and granite specimens exposed to climatic cycles, PRIOCHEM, Bucuresti 11-13 octombrie 2023.

13. A. Mosiu, R.M. Ion, M. Mosoarca, Principles and technologies of historical structures consolidation. Case study of Banloc castle complex, WMCAUS, Praga, 2023.

14. R.M. Ion, Curățarea și diagnoza pietrelor de monument. Studii de caz, Sesiunea Internațională de Comunicări Științifice, „Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis”, 28 – 29 septembrie 2023, Ediția a XLVI-a, Vaslui.


16. R.M. Ion, R.M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, L. Iancu, G. Vasilievici, Réutiliser la poudre de déchets de briques de démolition comme spécimens de mortier de maçonnerie, Symposium de la Recherche Scientifique Francophone en Europe Centrale et Orientale, 27 et 28 novembre 2023, Bucarest.


Conferinte nationale

1.  S.M. Colesniuc, A. Mototolea, T. Cliante, T. Potârniche, S. Stanc, R.M. Ion, V. Schröder, Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice sistematice, a prospectării magnetice și a investigării detaliilor morfologice și citologice de la Sacidava, SESIUNEA NAȚIONALĂ DE RAPOARTE ARHEOLOGICE, ediția a 57-a, Târgoviște, 29-31 mai 2023.

2.  C.E. Rizescu, A.I. Gheboianu, R.M. Ion, Considerations regarding one pot synthesis of Ag/Ag2O@ZnAl-LDH composites, NeXT-Chem, Vth, 22-23

May 2023, București, România.

3.  I.O. Zaulet, R.M. Ion, C.E. Rizescu, Marbles vs granite. weathering in different climatic environment, NeXT-Chem, Vth, 22-23 May 2023, București, România.

4.  R.M. Ion, Diagnoza structurala si compozitionala a castrului roman Sacidava, A doua ediție a sesiunii naționale universitare de comunicări științifice din domeniul Istorie, Targoviste, 2023.

5. A. Mosiu, R.M. Ion, Diagnoza preliminară în restaurarea şi regenerarea patrimonială – Studiu de caz: Castelul Banloc – SIMPOZIONUL CERCETARILOR AVANSATE DOCTORALE, 07-08 aprilie 2023, Targoviste.

6. G. Patulea (Paraschiv), R.M. Ion, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, A.I. Gheoboianu, Diagnoza stadiului de degradare a unor monumente. Biserica de lemn Șerbești, Frasin Deal, județul Dâmbovița – studiu de caz, SIMPOZIONUL CERCETARILOR AVANSATE DOCTORALE, 07-08 aprilie 2023, Targoviste.

7. G.M. Teodorescu, R.M. Ion, Z. Vuluga, Compararea proprietăților nanomecanice dintre poliamidă 6 și biopoliamidă 10.10, SIMPOZIONUL CERCETARILOR AVANSATE DOCTORALE, 07-08 aprilie 2023, Targoviste.


Cererie de brevet

1. A 2023-0442/10.08.2023, R.‑M. Ion, N. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, L. Marin, C. E. Rizescu, I. O. Zăuleţ, Mortar ecologic antimicrobian şi procedeu de obţinere al acestuia.


 Premii, medalii, distinctii obtinute in anul curent la manifestari stiintifice si saloane de inventii internationale

1.   Premiul “Ambasador al Meritocrației in Romania”, ONG ECO-EUROPA, Romania

2.   Premiul “Personalitatea deceniului in Romania, Laudatio in honorem”, ONG ECO-EUROPA, Romania

3.   Premiul I pentru lucrarea Microorganisms analysis on the archaeological stone surfaces, Symposium Alternative and complementary therapies 27-28 oct 2023, Constanta, Romania.

4.   R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, N. Ion, ME David, CHAp triplu substituita cu Mg, Sr, Zn, Ugal Invent 2023, Galati, Medalia de bronz.


Studii stiintifice

 1.   Sorin Marcel Colesniuc, Cercetări arheologice, prospecțiuni geofizice și investigații biologice la Sacidava, în Sorin Marcel Colesniuc, Gabriel

Mircea Talmațchi, Lavinia Dumitrașcu, Cristina Talmațchi, Mariana Cojoc, Costin Scurtu, CONSTANȚA – ISTORIE, VECINĂTATE, MULTICULTURALITATE, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, 2023, ISBN 978-606-020-695-8. (Din colectivul de cercetare al Muzeului de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța au făcut parte: dr. Sorin Marcel Colesniuc (responsabil științific), Traian Cliante, dr. Aurel Mototolea și drd. Tiberiu Potârniche, la care s-au alăturat: dr. Ioan Carol Opriș (Universitatea din București), dr. Adriana Panaite (Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan”), dr. Simina Stanc (Universitatea „Al.I. Cuza” Iași), dr. Rodica Mariana Ion (Institutul Național de Cercetare și Dezvoltare în Chimie și Petrochimie – ICECHIM), dr. Verginica Schröder (Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanța) și dr. Silviu Ioniță (Universitatea din Pitești)).

 2.    R.M.Ion, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, M.L. Ion, A.I. Gheboianu, V. Schroder, R. Trandafir, S.M. Colesniuc, Romanian Cultural Heritage – Diagnosis, And Conservation/Restoration Solutions, 611, 2022, Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2023.




 Articole BDI

1.  I.O. Zăuleț, R.-M. Ion, C. E. Rizescu, Evaluation of marble alteration processes, The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University MATERIALS and MECHANICS –Vol. 18, No. 19, DOI 10.2478/bsmm-2022-0015.


Conferinte nationale/internationale

1.  R.M. Ion, AI Gheboianu, S.Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, Archaeometric Study Of Tomis Pottery, International Asian Congresson Contemporary

Sciences-VII, December 09-11, 2022, Olongapo City, Philippines.

2. R.M. Ion, S. Colesniuc, V. Schroder, A.I. Gheboianu, S. Slamnoiu-Teodorescu, Sacidava Fortress: Materials And Their Structural / Compositional Identification, International European Congress On Social Sciences, December 4-5, 2022, Rijeka, Croatia.

3. R.M. Ion, L. Iancu, R.M. Grigorescu, A.I. Gheboianu, Micro-Structural And Compositional Characterization Of The Danube Stone Monuments, 3. International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress, 11-12 December 2022 / Cappadocia, Nevşehir-TÜRKİYE

4. V. Schröder, L.D. Jianu, L.A. Bucur, G. Pavalache Atodiresei, The Cytological Characteristics of Some Lichen Species with Microhabitat Differences, Workshop with International Participation Alternative And Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy), 6th edition, 28-29 October 2022, Constanta, Romania (premiul I postere).

5. S.M. Colesniuc, A. Mototolea, T. Cliante, T. Potârniche, S. Stanc, V. Schroder, Fortificația militară Sacidava. Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice și ale prospectărilor geofizice Sacidava Military Fortification. The results of the archaeological research and geophysical prospectin, Sesiunea Ştiinţifică Internaţională PONTICA, Ediţia 55: ISTORIE ŞI ARHEOLOGIE ÎN SPAŢIUL VEST-PONTIC The Scientific International Session PONTICA, 55th Edition: HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE WEST PONTIC REGION, Constanta 16 – 18 Noiembrie, 2022.



1.  Dunăreni, com. Aliman, jud. Constanța sat, Punct: Dealul Muzait [Sacidava] Tip sit: 112 (așezare fortificată); 32 (epoca romană), 34 (epoca

romano-bizantină) Cod RAN: 61032.02 Autorizație nr. 103/06.05.2019; Colectiv: dr. Colesniuc Sorin Marcel (responsabil științific), Cliante Traian

(responsabil de sector), Potârniche Tiberiu, Mototolea Constatin-Aurel (responsabil de sector), Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța,

Perioada desfășurării campaniei: 28.10 – 15.11.2019, în Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. 2020. Campania 2019.

2.  Dunăreni, com. Aliman, jud. Constanța sat, Punct: Dealul Muzait [Sacidava] Tip sit: 112 (așezare fortificată); 32 (epoca romană), 34 (epoca romano-bizantină) Cod RAN: 61032.02 Autorizație nr. 124/21.05.2020; Colectiv: dr. Colesniuc Sorin Marcel (responsabil științific), Cliante Traian (responsabil de sector), Potârniche Tiberiu, Mototolea Constatin-Aurel (responsabil de sector), Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța, dr. Stanc Simina Margareta (arheozoolog), Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași; Perioada desfășurării campaniei: 12-31.10.2020, în Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. 2021. Campania 2020.


Project leader: Prof. PhD Chem. Rodica Mariana ION


Phone: 021 315 3299 / 135