Evaluation of the exploatation Potential of Porous Materials in the tREatment of Microbiota-related dISeasEs
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4018 (524PED/2020)
Nowadays, especially in the case of children, the awareness about the importance of the microbiota is well known, therefore after an antibiotic treatment, the prescription of probiotics is frequently needed. In recent years, great emphasis has been placed on the development of micro and mesoporous materials (MMM) loaded with biological active agents, but few research papers discuss the impact of functionalized MMMs on microbiota.
Project goal
The scope of the current project proposal is to develop novel micro-and mesoporous materials (MMMs) using recent synthesis methods and to further functionalize these materials for developing better performances in order to be used as drug delivery systems (DDS), especially for microbiota-related diseases.
Contracting authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
Implementation period: 23/10/2020-20/10/2022
Budget: 175.000 lei
Project responsible: Dr. Habil. Irina Fierăscu
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – National Center for Micro and Nanomaterials
Project director: Assoc. prof. dr. eng. Denisa Ficai
Partner 1:
National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM,
Project responsible: Dr. Habil. Irina Fierăscu
Partner 2:
Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology,
Project responsible: Dr. Coralia Bleotu
The scope of the current project proposal is to develop novel micro-and mesoporous materials (MMMs) using recent synthesis methods and to further functionalize these materials for developing better performances in order to be used as drug delivery systems (DDS),especially for microbiota-related diseases.
In the current project 3 general objectives were taken into account, realized by means of several specific objectives, as follows:
GO1. Exploitation of research results obtained by the applicants for the establishment and development of novel, innovative drug delivery systems.
GO2. Laboratory validation of a technology which aims to obtain novel biosystems, establishing and proving the properties of the final products and facilitating the technological transfer. This objective will be accomplished by fabricating a final product consisting of a biocompatible drug delivery system and assessing the in-vitro biological interactions together with its biochemical stability and drug release kinetics, bringing the concept several steps closer to industrial application.
GO 3. Consolidation and protection of intellectual property rights regarding the materials elaborated within the boundaries of the project.
Fabrication of micro-and mesoporous materials (MMM).
Activities carried out by the partner ICECHIM:
Surface modification and development of drug delivery systems based on MMMs.
Activities carried out by the partner ICECHIM:
Development of triggering mechanisms for the drug release control.
Activities carried out by the partner ICECHIM:
Scientific meetings:
Inventions exhibitions:
ISI papers published: