Integrated technology for advanced removal of heavy metals and
arsenic from complex matrices using adsorbent nanomaterials
At present, there are no integrated, efficient, operational and investment-integrated industrial technologies for the removal of As from water (found in combination with heavy metals, nitrogen compounds and the natural organic water matrix), without the generation of toxic by-products and residues, neither at national nor at international level.
Project goal
The project goal is the transfer and development of a technology for the depollution of water containing heavy metal and arsenic, found in a complex polluting matrix, to an economic agent with important activity in the development, implementation of technologies and production of water treatment systems (ICPE Bistrița), in order to increase its economic competitiveness, as well as the implementation of the technology at an economic operator with important activity in the treatment and distribution of drinking water (Aquatim S.A.).
Contracting authority: Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
Implementation period: 21/06/2022-20/06/2024
Budget: 273.836 lei
Project responsible: Dr. Habil. Radu Claudiu Fierăscu
Coordinator: S.C. I.C.P.E. Bistrița S.A., Bistriţa-Năsăud, România
Project director: Dr. ing. Sorin Claudiu Ulinici
Partner 2: University of Bucharest
Project responsible: Lecturer Dr. Chem. Sorin Marius Avramescu
Project responsible: Dr. Ilie Vlaicu
The objective of the project is the transfer and development of a technology for water treatment, containing heavy metal and arsenic in a complex polluting matrix, to an economic agent with important activity in the development, implementation of technologies and production of water treatment systems (ICPE Bistrița), in order to increase its economic competitiveness, as well as the implementation of the technology at an economic operator with important activity in the treatment and distribution of drinking water (Aquatim S.A.).
Preliminary activities for the validation of technology at industrial level.
Deployment period: 21.06.2022-31.12.2022
ICECHIM activities:
Validation in the industrial environment of the proposed technology.
Deployment period: 01.01.2023-31.12.2023
ICECHIM activities:
Demonstrating the efficiency of technology in the industrial environment.
Deployment period: 01.01.2024-20.05.2024
ICECHIM activities:
ISI papers published
Scientific meetings
Book chapter
Inventics exhibitions