National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry


G2: Alternative bioresources and biofuels

About us

In the last years, Alternative Bioresources and Biofuels Team’s (E2) research was focused on 2 important directions: 1. Alternative Bioresources – research activities regarding on use of microalgae for the decontamination of wastewater; the complex use of microalgae for obtaining useful compounds (lipids, antioxidants, biostimulants, phytocatalysts); sustainable biosequestration of GHG in microalgal photosynthetic systems; exploitation of natural resources to obtain food supplements. 2. Biofuels – research activities regarding on the obtaining of third-generation biofuels (aviation biofuels from algal oil) and second-generation biofuels (biodiesel); biogas obtaining; valorisation of by-products from the biodiesel production; ecological solvents from animal or vegetables wastes. Interdisciplinary profile of Alternative Bioresources and Biofuels Team allows to carry out applied research in chemistry field and organic chemistry technologies (non-petrochemical products, organic intermediary, complex biomass refinery), unconventional technologies, ecological technologies and products, chemical and instrumental analysis, technological transfer, consulting, management and execution of national and international research projects.


Team leader, Scientific Researcher 2nd degree

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 130

Team vice-leader, Scientific Researcher 1st degree

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 158

Scientific researcher 2nd degree

Dr. Chem.

Extension: 158

Senior Researcher 2nd degree

Dr. Biolog

Extension: 110

Senior Researcher 3rd degree

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 173

Scientific Researcher 3rd degree

Dr. Chem.

Extension: 161

Scientific Researcher 3rd degree

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 173

Scientific Researcher 3rd degree

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 173


Scientific Research

Dr. Eng.

Extension: 110

Scientific Researcher, PhD Student


Extension: 173

Scientific Research, PhD. Student


Extension: 161

Scientific Research, PhD. Student


Extension: 163

Scientific Research Assistant, PhD. Student


Extension: 174

Scientific Research Assistant


Extension: 110

Research equipment
International projects
National projects

Energetic efficiency biogas plants improvement by integrated system: biogas-microalgae-biofuels in frame of biorefinery concept (AlgalBiogasConceptEnergy)

Development and demonstration of innovative technologies to optimize the biogas plants by integrating the open ponds for microalgae cultivation using the digestate resulted from anaerobic digestion as a culture medium

Value added products from microalgae biomass applying biorefinery concepts (AlgaeBioef)

By adopting the concept “zero waste”, the project aims to convert the exhausted biomass from active principles into biocarbons with adsorbent properties, which will be tested for the retention of inorganic compounds.

Complete Recovery of Fish and Oilseed Wastes Extracts/Hydrolysates in Microcapsules Usable as Fertilizers or Nutraceuticals (NutraFert)

“NutraFert” – The complete recovery of wastes of fish and oilseed as extracts and hydrolysates for microencapsulation, the final product being used as fertilizer or nutraceuticals

  • Publications
  • Books
  • Conferences
  • Patents
  • Other

Ghizdareanu A.-I., Pasarin D., Banu A., Enascuta C.E., Ionita A., Vlaicu A.

Accelerated Shelf-Life and Stability Testing of Hydrolyzed Corn Starch Films



Pasarin D., Lavric V., Enascuta C.E., Ghizdareanu A.-I.Matei C.

Optimal Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sweet Lupine Protein towards Food Ingredients



Pasarin D., Ghizdareanu A.-I., Enascuta C.E., Matei C., Bilbie C., Paraschiv-Palada L., Veres P.-A.

Coating materials to increase the stability of liposomes


WOS: 000929631100001

Oprescu, EE., Enascuta, C.E., Radu E., Ciltea-Udrescu M., Lavric, V.

Does the ultrasonic field improve the extraction productivity compared to classical methods – Maceration and reflux distillation?

Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 179 (2022) 109082.

Vintila A.C.N, Vlaicu A.,Radu E., Ciltea-Udrescu M., Enascuta C.E., Banu I., Oprescu E.E.

Evaluation of ultrasound assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 16, (2022), 2518–2526


Oprescu, EE., Enascuta, C.E., Vasilievici, G., Nicoleta Banu D., Banu I.

Preparation of magnetic biochar for nitrate removal from aqueous solutions

Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 135, (2022), 2629–2642


Babeanu N., Radu N., Enascuta C.E., Alexandrescu E., Ganciarov M., Omar M.S., Suica-Bunghez I.R., Senin R., Ursu M., Bostan M.

Obtaining and characterizing composite biomaterials of animal resources with potential applications in regenerative medicine

Polymers. 14(17) (2022), 3544


Oprescu, E.-E., Enascuta, C.-E., Doukeh, R., Calin, C., Lavric V.

Characterizing and using a new bi-functional catalyst to sustainably synthesize methyl levulinate from biomass carbohydrates

Renewable Energy, (2021), 176, 651 – 662


Gaidau C., Epure D.-G., Enascuta C.E., Carsote C., Sendrea C., Proietti N., Chen W., Gu H.

Wool keratin total solubilisation for recovery and reintegration – An ecological approach

Journal of Cleaner Production, (2019), 236, 117586


Banu I., Ganea R.,Vasilievici G., Anghel A., Gogulancea V., Isopencu G., Bozga G.

An Evaluation of Published Kinetic Models for Vapor Phase Methanol Conversion to Dimethyl Ether over the H-ZSM-5 Catalyst

Energy & Fuels, 32 (8), 8689–8699, 2018


Rovinaru C., Pasarin D., Velea S., Raceanu G., Anton L.

Compoziţie pentru învelişuri alimentare comestibile cu funcţionalitate îmbunătăţită, pe bază de proteine vegetale


Pasarin D., Rovinaru C., Oancea F., Raceanu G., Avram M.

Produs alimentar prebiotic, pe bază de zer dulce integral, şi procedeu de obţinere


Rovinaru C., Pasarin D.

Procedeu de adaptare a drojdiei Kluyveromyces Marxianus pentru creşterea randamentului de obţinere de biomasă


Stepan E., Velea S., Vasilievici G., Bombos M., Enăşcuţă C., Oprescu E.E., Radu E., Radu A.

Biocarburant pentru avioane cu turbina, si procedeu de obtinere a acestuia


Velea S., Bozga G., Blajan O.

Fluxanţi ecologici pentru bitum rutier pe bază de acetine şi procedeu de obţinere a acestora


Velea S., Bomboş M. M., Doukeh R., Vasilievici G., Oprescu E. E., Bomboş D., Călin C.

Catalizator pe bază de Mo şi procedeu de piroliză lentă a biomasei pe acest catalizator


Stepan E., Velea S., Enăşcuţă C., Radu E., Gaidău C., Niculescu M., Gidea M., Epure D.-G., Becheritu M.

Compozitie pentru prevenirea despicarii silicvelor de rapita si procedeu pentru obtinerea acesteia

