National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry


G7: Emerging nanotechnologies

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Irina Fierascu, Ioana Catalina Fierascu, Roxana Ioana Brazdis, Anda Maria Baroi, Toma Fistos, Radu Claudiu Fierascu

Phytosynthesized metallic nanoparticles-between nanomedicine and toxicology. A brief review of 2019s findings

Materials, 2020, 13(3),574, DOI: 10.3390/ma13030574


Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Eduard Marius Lungulescu, Nicoleta Nicula, Raluca Somoghi, Lia Mara Diţu, Camelia Ungureanu, Anca Nicoleta Sutan, Oana Alexandra Drăghiceanu, Alina Paunescu, Liliana Cristina Soare

Phytosynthesis and radiation-assisted methods for obtaining metal nanoparticles

Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(5), 1915-1932, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-019-03713-3


Irina Fierascu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Alexandru Stirban, Denis Mihaela Panaitescu, Cristian Andi Nicolae, Valentin Raditoiu, Maria-Similia Zgarciu, Ariana Codruta Leahu

Chemical and mineral characterization of Romanian book paper materials (XVII–XIXth century)

Microchemical Journal 152,104307, DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2019.104307


Radu Claudiu Fierăscu, Mihaela Doni, Irina Fierăscu

Selected Aspects Regarding the Restoration/Conservation of Traditional Wood and Masonry Building Materials: A Short Overview of the Last Decade Findings

Applied Sciences 2020, 10(3), 1164, DOI: 10.3390/app10031164


Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Alina Ortan, Milen I. Georgiev, Elwira Sieniawska

Innovative approaches for recovery of phytoconstituents from medicinal/aromatic plants and biotechnological production

Molecules, 2020, 25(2), 309, DOI: 10.3390/molecules25020309


Alina Paunescu, Cristina Maria Ponepal, Magdalena Cristina Zagardan, Cristina Florentina Plesa, Roxana Maria Nemes, Camelia Nicolae, Alina Bisoc, Magdalena Diaconu, Irina Fierascu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Monica Marilena Tantu, Cristina Liliana Soare

Evaluation of histophysiological alterations associated with ketoprofen administration in albino NMRI mice

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, 2020, 393(6), 1033-1039, DOI: 10.1007/s00210-019-01806-z


Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Georgeta Temocico, Irina Fierascu, Alina Ortan, Narcisa Elena Babeanu

Fragaria genus: Chemical composition and biological activities

Molecules, 2020, 25(3) ,498, DOI: 10.3390/molecules25030498


Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Anda Maria Baroi, Roxana Ioana Brazdis, Toma Fistos, Cristian-Andi Nicolae, Valentin Raditoiu, Ioan Constantin, Inel, Victor Sava

Characterization of historical ceramics: A case study

Romanian Reports in Physics, 2020, 72(1), 801


Irina Fierascu, Stefan Ovidiu Dima, Sorin Marius Avramescu, Florentin Caloian, Radu Claudiu Fierascu

Facile Removal of Pesticides from Aqueous Solutions Using Magnetic Nanocomposites. II. Adsorption experiments and kinetic study

Revista de Chimie, 2020, 71(1), 213-219, DOI: 10.37358/RC.20.1.7834


Rodica-Mihaela Frincu, Cristian Omocea, Cerasela-Iuliana Eni, Eleonora-Mihaela Ungureanu, Olga Iulian

Seasonality and correlations between water quality parameters in the lower danube at chiciu for the period 2010-2012

Revista de Chimie, 2020, 71(2), 449-455, DOI: 10.37358/RC.20.2.7948



I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, P. Fotea, A. Ortan, I. Popitiu, A. Stirban, I.C. Inel, G. Rustoiu

Development of nanomaterials and nanostructures for preservation of cultural heritage artifacts

25th Congress of The Society of Chemist and Technologists of Macedonia, September 18 – 23, 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia

R.C. Fierascu, I. Fierascu, L.C. Soare, A.N. Sutan, C. Ungureanu

Phytosynthesised metallic nanoparticles: synthesis and applications in crop protection

International Symposium of Chemical Engineering and Materials SICHEM 2018, September 6 – 7, Bucharest, Romania

I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, A. Ortan, C. Moise, I.F. Dana Negula

Development of new nanomaterials for the restoration/conservation of cultural heritage artifacts

International Symposium of Chemical Engineering and Materials SICHEM 2018, September 6 – 7, Bucharest, Romania

I.E. Chican, D. Vărăşteanu, S.M. Doncea, R. Somoghi, A.M. Gălan

The influence of hydrocarbon chain length on the surface properties of gluconolactone-based surfactants

International Symposium of Chemical Engineering and Materials SICHEM 2018, September 6-7, Bucharest, Romania

C.A. Nicolae, V. Raditoiu, I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, A.R. Gabor

Hi – Res TGA for rapid identifying compositional differences in various kinds of wood

12th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC12), August 27 – 30, 2018, Brasov, Romania

R.C. Fierascu, I. Fierascu, I.E. Chican, D. Varasteanu, L.C. Soare

Metallic nanoparticles obtained through phytosynthesis: new advanced materials of the XXIst century

9th Edition of the International Conference “Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies”, Atom-N 2018, August 23-26, Constanta, Romania

I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, A. Ortan, D. Mirea, M. Ilie

Nuclear methods for the non-destructive analysis of cultural heritage objects

9th Edition of the International Conference “Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies”, Atom-N 2018, August, 23-26, Constanta, Romania

S.M. Avramescu, R.C. Fierascu, I. Fierascu, A. Olaru, C. Bradu, A.V. Nica

Cyclodextrin-functionalized magnetic adsorbents for heavy metals and organic pollutants removal from water

European Advanced Materials Congress, August 20 – 23, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

R.C. Fierascu, I. Fierascu, L.C. Soare

Noble metal nanoparticles evaluation using nuclear techniques and other related methods

18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, July 10-13, 2018, Constanta, Romania

I. Fierascu, R.C. Fierascu, D.A. Mirea, P. Fotea, R.F. Andrei, A. Ortan

Archaeometallurgical Evaluation Of Finery Using Nondestructive Methods

18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, July 10-13, 2018, Constanta, Romania
