National Institute of Research-Development for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM

is the proud host of

The International Symposium


with the support of

Gold sponsor

Silver sponsor

  • Introduction
  • Tech Talks
  • Unfolding
  • Call for papers
  • Registration form
  • Scientific Committee
  • Organizing and Technical Committees
  • Publishing
  • Partners
  • Contact


During 16-18 October 2024, INCDCP – ICECHIM will host the XXth edition of the International Symposium Priorities of chemistry for a sustainable development PRIOCHEM XX. Early-stage and experienced researchers with prestigious work are invited to present their most recent results in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering, with applications in areas such as development of smart materials, bioeconomy, circular economy, cultural heritage protection, new materials for energy applications, or environmental protection.

Founded in 1950, ICECHIM has been carrying out research activities of high academic standing in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering uninterruptedly for more than seven decades.

This international symposium is organized under the auspices of the Romanian Ministry for Research, Inovation and Digitalization. Its focus is on the research areas of the institute corroborated with the new guidelines on RDI activity at national and European level, included in the Horizon Europe program.

The symposium will host the following sections:


1. Multifunctional materials, nanocomposites, innovative technologies and cultural heritage preservation

1 – MTCH

2. Bioresources, biotechnologies and biorefining

2 – BBB

In partnership with

Romanian Chemical Society

Foundation “C. D. NENITESCU”

Tech Talks

Tech Talks – Meet the mentors!

With its XXth edition, PRIOCHEM introduces a new concept dedicated to young researchers (and not only)!

Tech Talks – Meet Your Mentors! is an exciting opportunity for young researchers and students to engage with distinguished researchers from various scientific and technological fields, representing today’s and tomorrow’s mentors across several areas of expertise, to discover the prevailing and emerging scientific areas of intense interest and research focus. This event aims to inspire and educate the next generation of researchers.

By attending the event and interacting with our guests, young researchers will be able to gain valuable insights, a glance at the future of the RDI domain, and have networking opportunities with the prominent researchers of our national Research, Development & Innovation environment.

Confirmed participants (in alphabetical order):

  1. Dr. eng. Corneliu Birtok-Băneasă (Politehnica University Timisoara – automotive);
  2. prof. dr. Cristina Elena Dinu-Pirvu (“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest pharmaceutical chemistry);
  3. prof. dr. Narcisa Mederle (University of Life Sciencies King Michael I from Timișoara – life sciences);
  4. prof. dr. Radu Porumb (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest energy);
  5. dr. habil. Andrei Victor Sandu (Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi – materials processing);
  6. prof. dr. Mihail Aurel Țîțu (“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu – nonconventional technologies);
  7. dr. ing. Alina Vlădescu (National Institute for Research and Development for Optoelectronics – INOE 2000 – surface science).



Invited speakers (preliminary list, in alphabetical order)

  • Fabiana ARDUINI, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
  • Michał CEGŁOWSKI, Department of Supramolecular Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  • Andrew COLLINS, NorGenoTech, Skreia, Norway
  • Victor DICULESCU, National Institute for Research and Development in Materials Physics – INCDFM, Romania
  • Luisa DURAES, University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Anton FICAI, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
  • Anca MAZARE, Friedrich-Alexander University, Department of Materials Science, Germany
  • Philippe MICHAUD, Université Clermont Auvergne — Institut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Francois Xavier PERRIN, Laboratoire MAPIEM – Université de Toulon, France
  • Magdalena ROTH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, GERMANY
  • Boyko TSYNTSARSKI, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science, BULGARIA

The scientific program includes:

  • Plenary conferences;
  • Oral communications;
  • Poster sessions;
  • Round tables;
  • Workshops (Satellites events);
  • Exhibitions.

All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which reserves the right to accept or reject papers and to decide on the format of presentation (oral or poster presentation).

Oral communications

We recommend 10 minutes for oral presentations, including Q&A session.


Confirmed Posters by the Scientific Committee (scheduled) will be presented either in person or online, according to the organizers’ instructions.


Companies will be invited to exhibit their products or to hold presentations.

  • Original works will be presented.
  • Organizers will award the most valuable oral presentations, presented by students and young researchers (with a maximum of 8 years of R&D experience).
  • Plenary lectures will be presented by chemistry and chemical engineering personalities from Romania and abroad.
  • The working language of the symposium is English.


Should the need arise, please contact us via

Satellite events

Workshop – Innovative Bio-Based Construction Materials

The workshop is designed to explore the latest advancements and applications of sustainable, eco-friendly materials in the construction industry. This workshop will cover a range of topics, including the development and use of materials derived from biological sources, their environmental benefits, and their performance compared to traditional construction materials. Topics will include innovative biocomposites, biodegradable polymers, and natural fibers, as well as their roles in reducing carbon footprints and enhancing building sustainability.

Moderator: Dr. Chem. Mihaela Frîncu, Technology Transfer Officer, CTT-ICECHIM, contact:

Date to be announced soon.

Roundtable – Innovation: mystery or a systematic approach?

Innovation starts from creativity, great ideas and it seems to be a mystery; but looking at the innovation process we find it is also a systematic

approach (from 3000 great ideas, only one became a successful innovation, i.e. with effect on market and society).

After previous successfully round tables Make innovation happen (PRIOCHEM 2022) and Innovation way – from wishful thinking to real-life applications (PRIOCHEM 2023) let us discuss, share best practice, lesson learned and even debate about how much innovation is a mystery and how much a systematic approach.

Moderator: Dr. Eng. Nicolae Varachiu, Innovation Specialist, contact:

Date to be announced soon.

Workshop – Integrating Standardisation, Knowledge Valorization, and Science Diplomacy

The integration of standardisation, knowledge valorization, and science diplomacy can significantly enhance the impact and global reach of research and innovation (R&I) efforts. This integration ensures that scientific and technological advancements are universally recognized, efficiently utilized, and contribute to international cooperation and policy-making.

Moderator: DrBA Ada Lorena Niculiță, Marketing Specialist, contact:

Date to be announced soon.

Call for papers


Registrations for PRIOCHEM XX are available online on the website in the Registration tab. In order to proceed with submitting your participation fill-in all the fields of the registration form.

Should you be the main author of the registered paper, please fill in the abstract template below and attach it to the registration form.

Registration fees

The registration fee, corresponding to the registration of one scientific contribution, will be payed in the ICECHIM’s bank account RO82RNCB0077015755980001 B.C.R. Sector 6, with the specification “Participant name&surname – Standard/Student – REGISTRATION FEE PRIOCHEM XX”.

Registration fee / paper
By  September 15th
September 16th – October 15th


120 Eur

160 Eur


60 Eur

80 Eur

The registration fee includes: publication of the abstract (according the registered author’s option), symposium materials, Participant’s Certificate of Attendance.

Important Deadlines

  • 1st of October Abstract submittal by online registration form;
  • Acceptance notifications will be sent in maximum 5 working days from the date of receiving the abstract.
Registration form

Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order, provisional line-up)

  • Dr. Habil. Radu Claudiu FIERĂSCU – President of the Scientific Committee – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil. Constantin APETREI – “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Luc AVEROUS – University of Strasbourg, FRANCE
  • Prof. Dr. Rabah BOUKHERROUB French National Centre for Scientific Research, FRANCE
  • Prof. Dr. Hugues BRISSET – University of Toulon, FRANCE
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michal CEGLOWSKI – Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, POLAND
  • Prof. Dr. Andrew COLLINS, NorGenoTech, Skreia, NORWAY
  • Prof. Dr. Gregorio CRINI – University of Burgundy – Franche Comte, FRANCE
  • Prof. Dr. Jacques DESBRIÈRES University of Pau and the Adour Region, FRANCE
  • Dr. Habil. Doina DIMONIE – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Biochem. Mihaela DONI – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Luisa DURAES – University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
  • Dr. Eng. Cristina Emanuela ENĂȘCUȚĂ – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Habil. Anton FICAI – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Habil. Irina FIERĂSCU – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Eng. Adriana FRONE – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Milen I. GEORGIEV – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BULGARIA
  • Prof. Dr. Rodica-Mariana ION – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Eng. Tanța- Verona IORDACHE – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Habil. Anna MALM – Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, POLAND
  • Prof. Dr. Ioan-Cezar MARCU – University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. dr. Narcisa MEDERLE – University of Life Sciencies ”King Michael I” from Timișoara, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Philippe MICHAUD – University Clermont Auvergne – Pascal Institute, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
  • Dr. Habil. Florin OANCEA – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Francois-Xavier PERRIN – University of Toulon, FRANCE
  • Prof. Dr. Leslie PETRIK – University of Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA
  • Prof. Dr. Roberto PETRUCCI – University of Perugia, ITALY
  • Dr. Habil. Nicoleta RADU – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Eng. Valentin RĂDIȚOIU – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Dr. Eng. Andrei SÂRBU – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Habil. Elwira Zofia SIENIAWSKA – Medical University of Lublin, POLAND
  • Prof. Dr. Mircea TEODORESCU – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Assoc. Prof. Boyko TSYNTSARSKI – Institute of Organic Chemistry – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BULGARIA
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Federica VALENTINI – University of Rome Tor Vergata, ITALY
  • Dr. Eng. Zina VULUGA – INCDCP-ICECHIM, Bucharest, ROMANIA
  • Prof. Dr. Artur VALENTE – University of Coimbra, PORTUGAL
Organizing and Technical Committees

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Biochem. Mihaela DONI, General Manager
  • Dr. Habil. Chem. Radu Claudiu FIERĂSCU
  • Dr. Habil. Irina FIERĂSCU (section 1)
  • Dr. Eng. Adriana FRONE (section 1)
  • Dr. Eng. Tanṭa Verona IORDACHE (section 1)
  • Dr. Eng. Mălina DEȘLIU-AVRAM (section 2)
  • Dr. Eng. Cristina Emanuela ENĂȘCUȚĂ (section 2)
  • Dr. Chem. Ana-Maria GURBAN (section 2)

Technical Committee

  • Magda-Aura CANTACUZ, Financial Manager
  • Ioana CĂRUȚAȘU, Head of Aquisitions-Administrative Service
  • Irina Elena CHICAN, Head of Projects Monitoring
  • Liliana ILIE, Head of Financial-Accounting Service
  • Ștefan MOCANU, Head of IT&C Service
  • Ada Lorena NICULIȚĂ, Marketing Specialist
  • Andra Bianca RUSU, PR&Communication Specialist

The participants have several alternatives for the publication of their works. According to the registered author’s preference, the papers can be published as:

  • Abstract, in the Book of Abstracts volume of the symposium (ISSN 2601 – 419X and ISSN-L 2601 – 4181); the volume will be made freely available on the conference website;
  • Abstract or extended abstract on special Proceedings volumes of our partner publishers (proceedings of our 2023 scientific meetings are available here and here);
  • Full (regular) papers can be published, according each journal policy, in:

EMERG – Energy. Environment. Efficiency. Resources. Globalization (ISSN 2668-7003, ISSN-L 2457-5011, journal indexed in international databases SCOPUS, EBSCO and Index Copernicus International);

Materiale Plastice (Web of Science Core Collection, JCR® Impact Factor – 0.6 for 2023);

FARMACIA (Web of Science Core Collection, JCR® Impact Factor – 1.4 for 2023).

CRYSTALS (Web of Science Core Collection, JCR® Impact Factor – 2.4 for 2023, Q2) – all the papers presented at PRIOCHEM XX can be published with a 20% discount;

GELS (Web of Science Core Collection, JCR® Impact Factor – 5.0 for 2023, Q1) – all the papers presented at PRIOCHEM XX can be published with a 20% discount;

  • All papers have to be presented by at least one of the authors at the conference (either on-site or online).
  • Papers can only be submitted to a single journal or proceedings volume.
  • Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
  • All papers are subject to a peer-review process prior to publication.
Academic partners
Publishing partners
Media partners


Romania, Bucharest, 6th District, 060021, No. 202, Splaiul Independenței

Phone and fax:

Phone: +40213153299; Fax: 021 312 34 93


Person appointed
President of the Scientific Committee/ Representative of the Organizing Committee

Radu Claudiu FIERĂSCU

142, e-mail:

Section 1 – MTCH


Adriana FRONE

Tanța Verona IORDACHE




Section 2 – BBB



Ana-Maria GURBAN




Technical Committee



Andra Bianca RUSU




NOTICE: The event is to be hosted in a hybrid format (both on the premise and online) that applies to both oral presentations and poster presentations.