E12: Compozite și Nanocompozite polimerice
Structuri biopolimerice obținute prin tratament cu plasmă pentru vindecarea rănilor – BIOPLASM
Scopul proiectului este de a obține pansamente eficiente pentru tratamentul rănilor infectate prin dezvoltarea nanopurtătorilor de nanoceluloză antibacterieni depuși pe un substrat de poliester alifatic.
Design of new nanocellulose-based gas-carrier systems
The scope of the CELGAS project is to develop innovative oxygen-carrying systems capable of supplying oxygen in a controlled manner to injured tissue/implants or intravenously.
Nanocompozite ecologice pe bază de bio-PA și bio-umpluturi pentru piese auto injectate ECONANO4AUTO
Scopul proiectului il reprezinta obținerea de nanocompozite bio-polimerice cu proprietăți îmbunătățite, reciclabile, reutilizabile și bio-integrabile la sfârșitul ciclului de viață, pe bază de bio-PA și keratina din pene de pui.
Adriana N. Frone, Catalina D. Usurelu, Gabriela M. Oprica, Denis M. Panaitescu, Augusta R. Gabor, Cristian A. Nicolae, Florin Ciuprina, Celina M. Damian
Contribution of the Surface Treatment of Nanofibrillated Cellulose on the Properties of Bio-Based Epoxy Nanocomposites Intended for Flexible Electronics
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Denis M. Panaitescu, Adriana N. Frone, Cristian A. Nicolae, Augusta R. Gabor, Dana M. Miu, Mariana G. Soare, Bogdan S. Vasile, Irina Lupescu
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) nanocomposites modified with even and odd chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Denis M. Panaitescu, Marius S. Popa, Florin Ciuprina, Laura Enache, Adriana N. Frone, Cristian A. Nicolae, Augusta R. Gabor, Roxana Trusca, Valentin Raditoiu, Bogdan Trica, Marius Ghiurea
Role of polyaniline coating on nanosilica particles in polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites for energy storage
Surface and Interfaces
Oprică, G.M.; Panaitescu, D.M.; Usurelu, C.D.; Vlăsceanu, G.M.; Stanescu, P.O.; Lixandru, B.E.; Vasile, V.; Gabor, A.R.; Nicolae, C.-A.; Ghiurea, M; Frone, A.N.
Nanocellulose Sponges Containing Antibacterial Basil Extract
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Andreea Ionita (Afilipoaei), Zina Vuluga, Florin Oancea, George M. Teodorescu, Raluca A. Gabor, Cristian A. Nicolae, Malina Desliu – Avram, Jenica Puceagiu
Properties of Composites based on Recycled Polypropylene and Lignocellulosic Agricultural Waste
Revista Română de Materiale
Ianchis, R., Munteanu, T., Ninciuleanu, C. M., Gifu, I. C., Alexandrescu, E., Somoghi, R., Gabor, A. R., Preda, S., Nistor, C. L., Nitu, S., Petcu, C.
The Effect of Clay Type on the Physicochemical Properties of New Hydrogel Clay Nanocomposites
În: Current Topics in the Utilization of Clay in Industrial and Medical Applications, Mansoor Zoveidavianpoor, IntechOpen
Corobea, M.C., Vuluga, Z., Florea, D., Miculescu, F., Voicu, S.I.
Composites and Nanocomposites Based on Polylactic Acid
Capitolul 13, pp. 327-360 în: “Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Nanocomposites : Advanced Applications”, Eds: Thakur V.K., Thakur M.K., Kessler M.R.,Wiley and Scrivener Publishing, 2017
Donescu, D., Corobea, M.C.*, Spataru, C.I., Ghiurea, M.
Polymer carbon nanotubes composites obtained via radical polymerization in water-dispersed media
Capitol 11, pp. 281-305 în: Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering “Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials Processing” 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Z. Vuluga, F. Oancea, D.M. Panaitescu, A.N. Frone, C.A. Nicolae, A.R. Gabor, A. Ionita, G.M. Teodorescu, M. Ghiurea, V. Faraon, G. Vasilievici, G.M. Oprica
Keratin/nanoparticle hybrids for bio-PA nanocomposites
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.-M. Oprica, C.D. Usurelu, A.N. Frone, B.E. Lixandru, V. Vasile, M. Ghiurea, A.R. Ghiurea, C.-A. Nicolae, P.O. Stanescu, D.M. Panaitescu
Treatment of nanocellulose by antibacterial agents of natural origin
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
Ș-O. Dima, D. Constantinescu-Aruxandei, N. Tritean, M. Ghiurea, C-A. Nicolae, C. Neamtu, F. Oancea
Analytic fingerprints of Se-stimulated cabbage biofortification
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
M. Desliu-Avram, B. Trica, M.F. Raduly, C-A. Nicolae, M. Ladaniuc, D. Constantinescu-Aruxandei, D. Dimonie
The spending of wood sawdust as possibility to improve the embedding’s efficiency into renewable origin polymeric matrices
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
T. Fistos, A. Melinescu, L.M. Ditu, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, F. Marinescu, R.I. Matei (Brazdis), I. Fierascu, A.M. Baroi, C.A. Nicolae, R.C. Fierascu
Multifunctional composite materials (with consolidation, self-cleaning and antimicrobial properties) applicable for the preservation of inorganic substrates
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
R.I. Matei (Brazdis), A.M. Baroi, R.C. Fierascu, T. Fistos, I.E. Chican, G. Ivan, I.S. Hosu, C.A. Nicolae, I. Fierascu
Preliminary assessment for heavy metal removal from synthetic water matrix using an organic/inorganic composite
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.M. Teodorescu, Z. Vuluga, F. Oancea, A. Ionita, V. Faraon, G. Vasilievici
Mechanical, dynamic-mechanical and nanomechanical properties of biopolyamide/keratin nanocomposites
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.M. Teodorescu, Z. Vuluga, A.N. Frone. G.M. Oprica, C.D. Usurelu, T. Fistos, A.M. Baroi, R.I. Matei, R.A. Gabor, C.A. Nicolae
The mechanical, thermal, and nanomechanical properties of composites made of bio-based polyamide and ash powder
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
C-D. Uşurelu, G-M. Oprică, A.N. Frone, E-I. Neblea, M.F. Raduly, A.R. Gabor, C-A. Nicolae, M. Teodorescu, D.M. Panaitescu
Preparation and functionalization of nanocellulose using lactic acid: morphostructural characterization and emulsifying capacity
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023