Institutul Național de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Chimie și Petrochimie
E12: Compozite și Nanocompozite polimerice
Activitatea de cercetare a Echipei 12 – Compozite şi nanocompozite polimerice este orientată pe dezvoltarea de compozite şi nanocompozite polimerice multifuncţionale pe bază de polimeri sintetici şi/sau naturali şi diferite micro/nano umpluturi sintetice şi/sau naturale, cu impact redus asupra mediului sau biodegradabile şi cu proprietăţi specifice ȋmbunătăţite, impuse de diverse utilizări ȋn industrie (auto şi ambalaje), construcţii, agricultură şi biomedicină. In consecinţă, direcţiile de cercetare luate ȋn considerare sunt axate, pe de o parte, pe caracterizarea, modificarea fizică sau chimică și prelucrarea, atât a componentelor, cât și a (nano)compozitelor rezultate, iar pe de alta parte, pe procedeele de obținere și mecanismele de interacțiune. Principalele obiective ale cercetării Echipei 12 constau ȋn ȋmbunătăţirea prelucrabilităţii şi ȋnlocuirea, pe cât posibil, a aditivilor toxici și a polimerilor sintetici cu materiale izolate din resurse naturale și regenerabile. In ultimii 10 de ani, ȋn cadrul unor proiecte naţionale şi europene (PC6, PC7 şi Orizont 2020), Echipa 12 a dobândit cunoştinţe şi a câştigat experienţă ȋn dezvoltarea unor tehnologii de obţinere a unor (nano)compozite, atât pe bază de polimeri sintetici (PP, PMMA, elastomer termoplastic, cauciuc siliconic) cu diferite (nano)umpluturi (nanosilicaţi naturali, cu morfologie lamelară sau tubulară, nanofire de silice, fibre naturale, nanosilice, metasilicat de calciu) cât şi pe bază de biopolimeri (biopoliamidă, poliesteri alifatici, colagen şi celuloză) cu diferiţi agenţi de ranforsare (structuri 2D grafenice şi nongrafenice, nanofibre de celuloză), implementate şi validate la nivel de TRL 5-TRL 9, pentru fabricarea de: • Componente auto de ȋnaltă calitate (bară paraşoc, formă de depozitare roată de rezervă, stâlp-B) • Ambalaje alimentare • Produse de uz veterinar • Produse biomedicale • Acoperiri de protecţie
Team leader, Senior Researcher Ist degree
Dr. eng.
Extension: 123
Vice Team Leader, Senior Researcher Ist degree
Dr. eng.
Extension: 123
Brabender LabStation –System for rheological characterization and melt processing of polymers and composites
Brabender LabStation is a complex system for melt rheology characterization and preparation of composite by melt compounding and extrusion, rolling and film blowing. It has several interchangeable devices such as mixing chambers, double screw extruder, film blowing system and accessories (two roll mill, granulator, conveyor belt, blown film take off unit).
Injection Molding Machine ENGEL VC 60/28
Unitate de injecţie 60 Cursă dozare 100 mm Diametru melcului Ø20 Volum de injecţie, max. 31 cm³ Turaţia melcului 450 rpm Raportul L / D 24 Capacitate de plastifiere 4 g/s Presiune specifică de injecţie, max. 2200 bar Cursă a duzei 230 mm Număr al zonelor de încălzire, incl. pentru duză 4 buc. Forţă de închidere 280 kN Cursă de deschidere 400 mm Înălţime minimă a matriţei 150 mm Distanţă între platane, max. 550 mm Greutatea max a matriţei 600 kg Număr al circuitelor de răcire pentru matriţă 4 Cursă a aruncătorului 100 mm Forţă de aruncare 40 kN
Olympus BX53 System Microscope
Olympus BX53 System Microscope is ideal for advanced research. The instrument provides excellent brightness and allows for sharp imaging and has color rendering performance. It provides the following observation methods: -Brightfield -Darkfield -Phase Contrast -Fluorescence (Blue/Green Excitations) -Fluorescence (Ultraviolet Excitations) -Differential Interference Contrast -Polarized Light -Simple Polarized light
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer DMA Q800
DMA is used to measure the mechanical properties of a wide range of materials. Many materials, including polymers, behave both like an elastic solid and a viscous fluid, thus the term viscoelastic. DMA measures the viscoelastic properties using either transient or dynamic oscillatory tests. Storage modulus (E’), the elastic component is related to the sample’s stiffness and Loss modulus (E”) the viscous component is related to the sample’s ability to dissipate mechanical energy through molecular motion. Tan δ is parameter that provides information on the relationship between the elastic and inelastic components.
Simultaneous DSC-TG Analyser coupled with Mass Spectrometer (SDT-MS) SDT Q600 / ThermoStar TM GSD 301 T
Simultaneous DSC-TGA SDT Q600 is an analysis instrument capable of performing both differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at the same time. The SDT measures the heat flow and weight changes associated with transitions and reactions in materials over the temperature range ambient to 1500°C. The information provided differentiates endothermic and exothermic events which have no associated weight change (e.g., melting and crystallization) from those which involve a weight change (e.g., degradation). Modes of Operation: – Standard: Ramp / Isothermal – Stepwise Isothermal – Cyclic – Evolved Gas Analysis High Resolution SDT.
Thermogravimetric Analyzer TGA Q5000IR
The Thermogravimetric Analyzer measures the amount and rate of weight change in a material, either as a function of increasing temperature, or isothermally as a function of time, in a controlled atmosphere. It can be used to characterize any material that exhibits a weight change and to detect phase changes due to decomposition, oxidation, or dehydration. Modes of Operation: Standard TGA, Hi-Res TGA, Auto Stepwise TGA, Modulated TGA, Evolved Gas Analysis – EGA (TGA/MS and/or TGA/FTIR Operation).
Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC Q2000
The Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) determines the temperature and heat flow associated with material transitions as a function of time and temperature. It also provides quantitative and qualitative data on endothermic (heat absorption) and exothermic (heat evolution) processes of materials during physical transitions that are caused by phase changes, melting, oxidation, and other heat-related changes.
Atomic force microscope Multimode 8
Atomic force microscope is designed to the characterization of polymers and polymer nanocomposites surface. AFM investigations provide information on the surface topography, adhesion, morphology (crystalline phase, nanoparticles dispersion) and roughness. PFQNM can generate material property maps at nanolevel.
Nanomechanical testing instrument Hysitron TriboIndenter Premier
The TriboIndenter (TI) Premier makes nanoscale mechanical and tribological characterization simple and consistent. This dedicated system provides a variety of standard nanoscale characterization techniques with unparalleled accuracy and precision. The TI Premier comes with in situ SPM imaging capability and capacitive transducer technology, making the system applicable to the widest range of materials and devices. Motorized staging, top-down color optics, anti-vibration system, environmental enclosure, control software, and fast digital electronics decrease time to results and ease instrument use. The TI Premier offers automated testing routines for increased testing throughput and minimized operator interaction.
Equipment for the measurement of interfacial properties CAM200
CAM 200 allows the evaluation of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of the materials surface, surface tension and interfacial adhesion of polymer blends and composites and the effectiveness of the surface treatments of polymers or organic/inorganic (nano) fillers. For the measurement of the contact angle and interfacial/surface tension, the shape of the droplet is analyzed using the captured images.
Equipment for impact testing of polymer composites – HIT 5.5P Pendulum Impact Tester
The Pendulum Impact Tester HIT5.5P can be used for the determination of impact resistance on plastics and other materials. The impact tester can be equipped with accessories for Charpy, Izod, Dynstat, and impact tensile according to the following standards: Charpy: ISO 179-1, ASTM D6110, DIN 50115 Izod: ISO 180, ASTM D256 (notched) and D4812 (without notch) Impact tensile: ISO 8256-A and 8256-B, ASTM D1822 (spec. in head) Dynstat: DIN 53435
Equipment for physico-mechanical characterization, Universal Testing Machine Instron 3382
The Instron 3382 floor model testing system is suited for mechanical characterization of materials in tension, compression, peel and bending (3-Point Bend Flexure) up to 100 kN (22,400 lbf). It meets or exceeds ASTM E4, BS 1610, DIN 51221, ISO 7500/1, EN 10002-2 standards.
Buchi SFS Laboratory Pressure Reactors BuchiGlasUster SFS Reactor #02.5196
SFS Laboratory Pressure Reactor modular-setup: – Coverplate with 4×1⁄4″ NPT openings, – Easy interchange of different pressure reactors – Pressure vessels in Borosilicate glass 3.3, Stainless steel for different temperature / pressure ratings, – Reactor volume: 0.50 – 5.0 liter – Temperature control by thermostat with double jacket or electrical heating: – 20 °C to +250 °C – Pressure: -1 (FV) to +6 – 12 bar (glass reactors) / 40 – 100 bar (stainless steel reactors) Chemical reactions, applications: – Polymerization reactor – Chemical synthesis reactor – Catalyst testing / evaluation – Biopolymer research – Nanoparticle synthesis
Platen Press P 200 E
DATA SHEET: – Two platen press with four-column construction and cooling cassette – Nominal platen size 200 × 200 mm; – Hydraulic force 120 kN; – Max specific pressure 312 N/cm2; – Motor power 0.8 kW; – Max operating temperature 300 °C. DESCRIPTION: Laboratory press with automatic cycle, fine adjustable temperature and high force of sealing the mould to ensure the compression molding of micro and nanocomposites with thermoplastic polymer matrices. The press is also designed for the preparation of the films with the thickness of less than 200 µm necessary.
Leistritz LSM 30.34
Modular intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruder for melt mixing and masterbatch obtaining at laboratory scale. It is equipped with: – eight heating zones – seven air-cooled zones – a degassing zone – horizontal dosing feed – forced feeder – can measure the pressure and temperature of the molten material – K-Tron feeder Accessories: die head for strand die, water bath and granulator.
Brabender LabStation –System for rheological characterization and melt processing of polymers and composites
Brabender LabStation is a complex system for melt rheology characterization and preparation of composite by melt compounding and extrusion, rolling and film blowing. It has several interchangeable devices such as mixing chambers, double screw extruder, film blowing system and accessories (two roll mill, granulator, conveyor belt, blown film take off unit).
Injection Molding Machine ENGEL VC 60/28
Unitate de injecţie 60 Cursă dozare 100 mm Diametru melcului Ø20 Volum de injecţie, max. 31 cm³ Turaţia melcului 450 rpm Raportul L / D 24 Capacitate de plastifiere 4 g/s Presiune specifică de injecţie, max. 2200 bar Cursă a duzei 230 mm Număr al zonelor de încălzire, incl. pentru duză 4 buc. Forţă de închidere 280 kN Cursă de deschidere 400 mm Înălţime minimă a matriţei 150 mm Distanţă între platane, max. 550 mm Greutatea max a matriţei 600 kg Număr al circuitelor de răcire pentru matriţă 4 Cursă a aruncătorului 100 mm Forţă de aruncare 40 kN
Olympus BX53 System Microscope
Olympus BX53 System Microscope is ideal for advanced research. The instrument provides excellent brightness and allows for sharp imaging and has color rendering performance. It provides the following observation methods: -Brightfield -Darkfield -Phase Contrast -Fluorescence (Blue/Green Excitations) -Fluorescence (Ultraviolet Excitations) -Differential Interference Contrast -Polarized Light -Simple Polarized light
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer DMA Q800
DMA is used to measure the mechanical properties of a wide range of materials. Many materials, including polymers, behave both like an elastic solid and a viscous fluid, thus the term viscoelastic. DMA measures the viscoelastic properties using either transient or dynamic oscillatory tests. Storage modulus (E’), the elastic component is related to the sample’s stiffness and Loss modulus (E”) the viscous component is related to the sample’s ability to dissipate mechanical energy through molecular motion. Tan δ is parameter that provides information on the relationship between the elastic and inelastic components.
Simultaneous DSC-TG Analyser coupled with Mass Spectrometer (SDT-MS) SDT Q600 / ThermoStar TM GSD 301 T
Simultaneous DSC-TGA SDT Q600 is an analysis instrument capable of performing both differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at the same time. The SDT measures the heat flow and weight changes associated with transitions and reactions in materials over the temperature range ambient to 1500°C. The information provided differentiates endothermic and exothermic events which have no associated weight change (e.g., melting and crystallization) from those which involve a weight change (e.g., degradation). Modes of Operation: – Standard: Ramp / Isothermal – Stepwise Isothermal – Cyclic – Evolved Gas Analysis High Resolution SDT.
Thermogravimetric Analyzer TGA Q5000IR
The Thermogravimetric Analyzer measures the amount and rate of weight change in a material, either as a function of increasing temperature, or isothermally as a function of time, in a controlled atmosphere. It can be used to characterize any material that exhibits a weight change and to detect phase changes due to decomposition, oxidation, or dehydration. Modes of Operation: Standard TGA, Hi-Res TGA, Auto Stepwise TGA, Modulated TGA, Evolved Gas Analysis – EGA (TGA/MS and/or TGA/FTIR Operation).
Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC Q2000
The Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) determines the temperature and heat flow associated with material transitions as a function of time and temperature. It also provides quantitative and qualitative data on endothermic (heat absorption) and exothermic (heat evolution) processes of materials during physical transitions that are caused by phase changes, melting, oxidation, and other heat-related changes.
Atomic force microscope Multimode 8
Atomic force microscope is designed to the characterization of polymers and polymer nanocomposites surface. AFM investigations provide information on the surface topography, adhesion, morphology (crystalline phase, nanoparticles dispersion) and roughness. PFQNM can generate material property maps at nanolevel.
Nanomechanical testing instrument Hysitron TriboIndenter Premier
The TriboIndenter (TI) Premier makes nanoscale mechanical and tribological characterization simple and consistent. This dedicated system provides a variety of standard nanoscale characterization techniques with unparalleled accuracy and precision. The TI Premier comes with in situ SPM imaging capability and capacitive transducer technology, making the system applicable to the widest range of materials and devices. Motorized staging, top-down color optics, anti-vibration system, environmental enclosure, control software, and fast digital electronics decrease time to results and ease instrument use. The TI Premier offers automated testing routines for increased testing throughput and minimized operator interaction.
Equipment for the measurement of interfacial properties CAM200
CAM 200 allows the evaluation of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of the materials surface, surface tension and interfacial adhesion of polymer blends and composites and the effectiveness of the surface treatments of polymers or organic/inorganic (nano) fillers. For the measurement of the contact angle and interfacial/surface tension, the shape of the droplet is analyzed using the captured images.
Equipment for impact testing of polymer composites – HIT 5.5P Pendulum Impact Tester
The Pendulum Impact Tester HIT5.5P can be used for the determination of impact resistance on plastics and other materials. The impact tester can be equipped with accessories for Charpy, Izod, Dynstat, and impact tensile according to the following standards: Charpy: ISO 179-1, ASTM D6110, DIN 50115 Izod: ISO 180, ASTM D256 (notched) and D4812 (without notch) Impact tensile: ISO 8256-A and 8256-B, ASTM D1822 (spec. in head) Dynstat: DIN 53435
Equipment for physico-mechanical characterization, Universal Testing Machine Instron 3382
The Instron 3382 floor model testing system is suited for mechanical characterization of materials in tension, compression, peel and bending (3-Point Bend Flexure) up to 100 kN (22,400 lbf). It meets or exceeds ASTM E4, BS 1610, DIN 51221, ISO 7500/1, EN 10002-2 standards.
Buchi SFS Laboratory Pressure Reactors BuchiGlasUster SFS Reactor #02.5196
SFS Laboratory Pressure Reactor modular-setup: – Coverplate with 4×1⁄4″ NPT openings, – Easy interchange of different pressure reactors – Pressure vessels in Borosilicate glass 3.3, Stainless steel for different temperature / pressure ratings, – Reactor volume: 0.50 – 5.0 liter – Temperature control by thermostat with double jacket or electrical heating: – 20 °C to +250 °C – Pressure: -1 (FV) to +6 – 12 bar (glass reactors) / 40 – 100 bar (stainless steel reactors) Chemical reactions, applications: – Polymerization reactor – Chemical synthesis reactor – Catalyst testing / evaluation – Biopolymer research – Nanoparticle synthesis
Platen Press P 200 E
DATA SHEET: – Two platen press with four-column construction and cooling cassette – Nominal platen size 200 × 200 mm; – Hydraulic force 120 kN; – Max specific pressure 312 N/cm2; – Motor power 0.8 kW; – Max operating temperature 300 °C. DESCRIPTION: Laboratory press with automatic cycle, fine adjustable temperature and high force of sealing the mould to ensure the compression molding of micro and nanocomposites with thermoplastic polymer matrices. The press is also designed for the preparation of the films with the thickness of less than 200 µm necessary.
Leistritz LSM 30.34
Modular intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruder for melt mixing and masterbatch obtaining at laboratory scale. It is equipped with: – eight heating zones – seven air-cooled zones – a degassing zone – horizontal dosing feed – forced feeder – can measure the pressure and temperature of the molten material – K-Tron feeder Accessories: die head for strand die, water bath and granulator.
Brabender LabStation –System for rheological characterization and melt processing of polymers and composites
Brabender LabStation is a complex system for melt rheology characterization and preparation of composite by melt compounding and extrusion, rolling and film blowing. It has several interchangeable devices such as mixing chambers, double screw extruder, film blowing system and accessories (two roll mill, granulator, conveyor belt, blown film take off unit).
Injection Molding Machine ENGEL VC 60/28
Unitate de injecţie 60 Cursă dozare 100 mm Diametru melcului Ø20 Volum de injecţie, max. 31 cm³ Turaţia melcului 450 rpm Raportul L / D 24 Capacitate de plastifiere 4 g/s Presiune specifică de injecţie, max. 2200 bar Cursă a duzei 230 mm Număr al zonelor de încălzire, incl. pentru duză 4 buc. Forţă de închidere 280 kN Cursă de deschidere 400 mm Înălţime minimă a matriţei 150 mm Distanţă între platane, max. 550 mm Greutatea max a matriţei 600 kg Număr al circuitelor de răcire pentru matriţă 4 Cursă a aruncătorului 100 mm Forţă de aruncare 40 kN
Olympus BX53 System Microscope
Olympus BX53 System Microscope is ideal for advanced research. The instrument provides excellent brightness and allows for sharp imaging and has color rendering performance. It provides the following observation methods: -Brightfield -Darkfield -Phase Contrast -Fluorescence (Blue/Green Excitations) -Fluorescence (Ultraviolet Excitations) -Differential Interference Contrast -Polarized Light -Simple Polarized light
Structuri biopolimerice obținute prin tratament cu plasmă pentru vindecarea rănilor – BIOPLASM
Scopul proiectului este de a obține pansamente eficiente pentru tratamentul rănilor infectate prin dezvoltarea nanopurtătorilor de nanoceluloză antibacterieni depuși pe un substrat de poliester alifatic.
Design of new nanocellulose-based gas-carrier systems
The scope of the CELGAS project is to develop innovative oxygen-carrying systems capable of supplying oxygen in a controlled manner to injured tissue/implants or intravenously.
Nanocompozite ecologice pe bază de bio-PA și bio-umpluturi pentru piese auto injectate ECONANO4AUTO
Scopul proiectului il reprezinta obținerea de nanocompozite bio-polimerice cu proprietăți îmbunătățite, reciclabile, reutilizabile și bio-integrabile la sfârșitul ciclului de viață, pe bază de bio-PA și keratina din pene de pui.
Adriana N. Frone, Catalina D. Usurelu, Gabriela M. Oprica, Denis M. Panaitescu, Augusta R. Gabor, Cristian A. Nicolae, Florin Ciuprina, Celina M. Damian
Contribution of the Surface Treatment of Nanofibrillated Cellulose on the Properties of Bio-Based Epoxy Nanocomposites Intended for Flexible Electronics
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Denis M. Panaitescu, Adriana N. Frone, Cristian A. Nicolae, Augusta R. Gabor, Dana M. Miu, Mariana G. Soare, Bogdan S. Vasile, Irina Lupescu
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) nanocomposites modified with even and odd chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Denis M. Panaitescu, Marius S. Popa, Florin Ciuprina, Laura Enache, Adriana N. Frone, Cristian A. Nicolae, Augusta R. Gabor, Roxana Trusca, Valentin Raditoiu, Bogdan Trica, Marius Ghiurea
Role of polyaniline coating on nanosilica particles in polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposites for energy storage
Surface and Interfaces
Oprică, G.M.; Panaitescu, D.M.; Usurelu, C.D.; Vlăsceanu, G.M.; Stanescu, P.O.; Lixandru, B.E.; Vasile, V.; Gabor, A.R.; Nicolae, C.-A.; Ghiurea, M; Frone, A.N.
Nanocellulose Sponges Containing Antibacterial Basil Extract
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Andreea Ionita (Afilipoaei), Zina Vuluga, Florin Oancea, George M. Teodorescu, Raluca A. Gabor, Cristian A. Nicolae, Malina Desliu – Avram, Jenica Puceagiu
Properties of Composites based on Recycled Polypropylene and Lignocellulosic Agricultural Waste
Revista Română de Materiale
Ianchis, R., Munteanu, T., Ninciuleanu, C. M., Gifu, I. C., Alexandrescu, E., Somoghi, R., Gabor, A. R., Preda, S., Nistor, C. L., Nitu, S., Petcu, C.
The Effect of Clay Type on the Physicochemical Properties of New Hydrogel Clay Nanocomposites
În: Current Topics in the Utilization of Clay in Industrial and Medical Applications, Mansoor Zoveidavianpoor, IntechOpen
Corobea, M.C., Vuluga, Z., Florea, D., Miculescu, F., Voicu, S.I.
Composites and Nanocomposites Based on Polylactic Acid
Capitolul 13, pp. 327-360 în: “Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Nanocomposites : Advanced Applications”, Eds: Thakur V.K., Thakur M.K., Kessler M.R.,Wiley and Scrivener Publishing, 2017
Donescu, D., Corobea, M.C.*, Spataru, C.I., Ghiurea, M.
Polymer carbon nanotubes composites obtained via radical polymerization in water-dispersed media
Capitol 11, pp. 281-305 în: Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering “Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials Processing” 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Z. Vuluga, F. Oancea, D.M. Panaitescu, A.N. Frone, C.A. Nicolae, A.R. Gabor, A. Ionita, G.M. Teodorescu, M. Ghiurea, V. Faraon, G. Vasilievici, G.M. Oprica
Keratin/nanoparticle hybrids for bio-PA nanocomposites
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.-M. Oprica, C.D. Usurelu, A.N. Frone, B.E. Lixandru, V. Vasile, M. Ghiurea, A.R. Ghiurea, C.-A. Nicolae, P.O. Stanescu, D.M. Panaitescu
Treatment of nanocellulose by antibacterial agents of natural origin
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
Ș-O. Dima, D. Constantinescu-Aruxandei, N. Tritean, M. Ghiurea, C-A. Nicolae, C. Neamtu, F. Oancea
Analytic fingerprints of Se-stimulated cabbage biofortification
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
M. Desliu-Avram, B. Trica, M.F. Raduly, C-A. Nicolae, M. Ladaniuc, D. Constantinescu-Aruxandei, D. Dimonie
The spending of wood sawdust as possibility to improve the embedding’s efficiency into renewable origin polymeric matrices
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
T. Fistos, A. Melinescu, L.M. Ditu, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, F. Marinescu, R.I. Matei (Brazdis), I. Fierascu, A.M. Baroi, C.A. Nicolae, R.C. Fierascu
Multifunctional composite materials (with consolidation, self-cleaning and antimicrobial properties) applicable for the preservation of inorganic substrates
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
R.I. Matei (Brazdis), A.M. Baroi, R.C. Fierascu, T. Fistos, I.E. Chican, G. Ivan, I.S. Hosu, C.A. Nicolae, I. Fierascu
Preliminary assessment for heavy metal removal from synthetic water matrix using an organic/inorganic composite
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.M. Teodorescu, Z. Vuluga, F. Oancea, A. Ionita, V. Faraon, G. Vasilievici
Mechanical, dynamic-mechanical and nanomechanical properties of biopolyamide/keratin nanocomposites
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
G.M. Teodorescu, Z. Vuluga, A.N. Frone. G.M. Oprica, C.D. Usurelu, T. Fistos, A.M. Baroi, R.I. Matei, R.A. Gabor, C.A. Nicolae
The mechanical, thermal, and nanomechanical properties of composites made of bio-based polyamide and ash powder
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
C-D. Uşurelu, G-M. Oprică, A.N. Frone, E-I. Neblea, M.F. Raduly, A.R. Gabor, C-A. Nicolae, M. Teodorescu, D.M. Panaitescu
Preparation and functionalization of nanocellulose using lactic acid: morphostructural characterization and emulsifying capacity
XIXth Edition of the International symposium “PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (PRIOCHEM XIX 2023), Bucharest, Romania, October 11-13, 2023
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