Institutul Național de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Chimie și Petrochimie


E12: Compozite și Nanocompozite polimerice

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Popa M.S., Damian C.M., Brîndușa Bãlãnucã B., Panaitescu D.M., Gabor A.R., Nicolae C.A., Rădiţoiu V., Raduly M.F., Frone A.N.

Effect of Nanocellulose Type on the Properties of a Bio-Based Epoxy System

Chemistry Proceedings, Volume 7, March 2022


Popa M.S., Frone A.N., Panaitescu D.M.

Polyhydroxybutyrate blends: A solution for biodegradable packaging?

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 207, March 2022


Frone A.N., Ghiurea M., Nicolae C.A., Gabor A.R., Badila S., Panaitescu D.M.

Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) Biocomposites with Differently Treated Cellulose Fibers

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 27, April 2022


Panaitescu D.M., Popa M.S., Raditoiu V., Frone A.N., Sacarescu L., Gabor A.R., Nicolae C.A., Teodorescu M.

Effect of calcium stearate as a lubricant and catalyst on the thermal degradation of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 190, November 2021


Popa M.S., Frone A.N., Radu I.C., Stanescu P.O., Truşcă R., Rădiţoiu V., Nicolae C.A., Gabor A.R., Panaitescu D.M.

Microfibrillated Cellulose Grafted with Metacrylic Acid as a Modifier in Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)

Polymers, Volume 13, November 2021


Purcar V., Rădițoiu V., Alina Rădițoiu A., Raduly F.M., Ispas G.C., Căprărescu S., Frone A.N., Trică B., Nicolae C.A., Anastasescu M., Stroescu H.

Effect of modified silica materials on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) substrates to obtain transparent and hydrophobic hybrid coatings

Applied Sciences, Volume 11, November 2021


Raduly F.M., Rădiţoiu V., Rădiţoiu A., Frone A.N., Nicolae C.A., Purcar V., Ispas G., Constantin M., Răut I.

Modeling the Properties of Curcumin Derivatives in Relation to the Architecture of the Siloxane Host Matrices

Materials, Volume 15, December 2021


David M.E., Grigorescu R.M., Iancu L., Andrei E.R., Somoghi R., Frone A.N., Atkinson I., Predoana L., Nicoara A.I., Ion R.M.

Synthesis and characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with hydroxyapatite

Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, Volume 29, June 2021


Purcar V., Rădiţoiu V., Rădiţoiu A., Raduly F.M., Manea R., Frone A., Anastasescu M., Ispas G.C., Căprărescu S.

Bilayer coatings based on silica materials and iron (III) phthalocyanine–Sensitized TiO2 photocatalyst

Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 138, June 2021


Ion-Ebrasu, D., Pollet, B.G., Caprarescu, S., Chitu, A., Trusca, R., Niculescu, V., Gabor, R., Carcadea, E., Varlam, M., Vasile, B.S.

Graphene inclusion effect on anion-exchange membranes properties for alkaline water electrolyzers

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020



S.-O. Dima, N. Tritean, L. Capra, R. Suica-Bunghez, R. Stoica, T. Fistos, R.C. Fierascu, C.A. Nicolae, V. Raditoiu, B. Trica, F. Oancea

Carbon-calcium based bionanocatalyst for adsorption and decomposition of organic pollutants

Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development, XVIII Edition, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October, 2022

T. Fistos, A. Melinescu, L.M. Ditu, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, F. Marinescu, R.I. Matei, (Brazdis), I. Fierascu, A.M. Baroi, C.A. Nicolae, R.C. Fierascu

Tailoring protective coatings for the protection of cultural heritage inorganic objects – inheritage project

Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development, XVIII Edition, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October, 2022

C.D. Usurelu, D.M. Panaitescu, A.N. Frone, A.R. Gabor, C.A. Nicolae, M.F. Raduly, M. Teodorescu

Obtaining poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) oligomers via the controlled thermal degradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) in the presence of metal compound

Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development, XVIII Edition, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October, 2022

M.I. Necolau, C.M. Damian, B. Balanuca, A.N. Frone, H. Iovu

Epoxy sustainable nanocomposites reinforced with functionalized nanocellulose for electronic coatings

Polymers 2022 – New Trends in Polymer Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People, Turin, Italy, 25-27 May, 2022

C.D. Usurelu, D.M. Panaitescu, R.A. Gabor, C.A. Nicolae, A. Afilipoaei, G.M. Teodorescu, A.N. Frone

Tuning PLA’s properties using a masterbatch containing plasticized PHB and nanocellulose

ANM 2022 – 19th International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, 27-29 July, 2022

G.-M. Teodorescu, Z. Vuluga, A. Ionita, F. Oancea, J. Paceagiu, C.-A. Nicolae, R.A. Gabor

The Effect of Aluminosilicate Industrial Waste on The Properties of Polypropylene Reinforced with Glass Fiber

International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM-7), Bucharest, November 10-11, 2022

G.M. Oprica, A.N. Frone, M. Mihailescu, A.R. Gabor, C.A. Nicolae, and D.M. Panaitescu

Potential of aliphatic polyesters as hot embossing substrates

International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM-7), Bucharest, November 10-11, 2022

C.D. Usurelu, A.N. Frone, C.A. Nicolae, A.R. Gabor, S. Vizireanu, V. Satulu, C. Stancu, S.M. Teodorescu, D.M. Panaitescu

A parallel between plasma irradiation of nanocellulose water suspensions and silane grafting as surface treatments of nanocellulose

International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM-7), Bucharest, November 10-11, 2022

C.-A. Nicolae, V. Raditoiu, A.R. Gabor, F.M. Raduly, Z. Vuluga, A.N. Frone

Evaluation of natural photodegradability of polymer bio-composites based on PLA/PBAT blends with agricultural by-products

1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Physical Chemistry & Materials Science (CEEC-PCMS1), Split, Croatia, July 26-30, 2022

C.-A. Nicolae, A. R. Gabor, V. Raditoiu, F.M. Raduly, Z. Vuluga, A.N. Frone

Photo-oxidative degradation of styrene-methyl vinyl ketone copolymers investigated by Thermal Analysis and FTIR Spectroscopy

1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Physical Chemistry & Materials Science (CEEC-PCMS1), Split, Croatia, July 26-30, 2022


Iancu, L., Spurcaciu, B., Ghioca, P., Stepan, E., Velea, S., Vuluga, Z.

Procedeu de obținere a bloc-copolimerilor stiren-butadienici grefați cu anhidridă maleică

